
Expert: Russia has much to share with BRICS and SCO partners

Expert: Russia has much to share with BRICS and SCO partners

In today's reality, the approach based on sole dominance has obviously discredited itself and is unacceptable for reasonable countries. This was stated by Vadim Glushchenko, the Director of the Center for Global IT-Cooperation.

"The 'global majority' - the countries of the non-Western world - is a very important and impressive part of the BRICS and SCO countries. We are certainly very different, but we are united by our independence in making fundamental choices about our security and development. This includes not wanting to be subjected to technological blackmail by Western countries," he said.

The expert emphasized that the self-confident assumption of the Western countries about the weakness of Russia's digital sovereignty has not turned out to be true. There is no such thing as the destruction of the Russian IT industry.

According to him, despite pessimistic forecasts, in 2022 the Runet economy grew by 29% and crossed the bar of 12 trillion rubles, showing a double-digit growth rate even as the global economy fell.

"The point is not only the unprecedented measures of state support for the industry, but also the conscientious, competent building of pragmatic co-operation with like-minded countries. It is no secret that Russia has always emphasized equal dialogue, including in the digital sphere, and does not seek to make other countries dependent on it. On the contrary," Glushchenko said. "We try to take into account the interests and capabilities of each individual state.

Russia has something to share with its BRICS and SCO partners, the expert expressed confidence.

"Our digital public administration services are among the most advanced in the world, using blockchain, AI, big data and information modeling technologies. The introduction of the digital ruble is being prepared, and considerable efforts are being made to replace Western software and equipment with domestic analogues. And in countries where digital sovereignty is not just an empty phrase, this unique experience is certainly in demand," he concluded.
