Hurry up and submit your proposals for workshops at the UN Internet Governance Forum
Hurry up and submit your proposals for workshops at the UN Internet Governance Forum

Hurry up and submit your proposals for workshops at the UN Internet Governance Forum

The call for proposals to hold workshops at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) under the aegis of the UN is still open. This year the event will take place in Ethiopia in a hybrid format.

Hurry up and submit your proposals for workshops at the UN Internet Governance Forum

A workshop is an IGF session format that can be organized by any person or group of people. All the proposer has to do is register on the IGF website, choose one of this year’s themes and submit the proposal until June 3. The full list of criteria for workshop evaluations is available on the already mentioned official website of the Forum. To fill in the workshop proposal form, we would also recommend you read the IGF workshops manual.

This year, the event program will be organized according to the following five themes:

·       Connecting All People and Safeguarding Human Rights

·       Avoiding Internet Fragmentation 

·       Governing Data and Protecting Privacy 

·       Enabling Safety, Security and Accountability

·       Addressing Advanced Technologies, including AI.

Besides workshops, several types of sessions, such as open forums (the only ones who can apply are governments, treaty-based international organizations and global organizations with international scope and presence, with ‎operations across regions, dealing with Internet governance-related issues) or town halls—interactive sessions organized by entities dealing with Internet governance issues of international scope—can be organized at the IGF. Through town hall sessions, stakeholders exchange views on ‎topical and even controversial Internet governance issues.

To explore the IGF session types and learn more about submission guidelines, please consult the dedicated section of the website. The selection of workshop proposals will be based on the evaluations of the members of the IGF’s Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG), with the provisional list of workshops being prepared in late June. Don’t miss your chance to join the IGF 2022!

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