The Center took part in T20
The Center took part in T20

The Center took part in T20

Center for Global IT-Cooperation (the Center) became a part of the Think20 (T20) project, which is implemented within annual planned events on the eve of the G20 summit (G20). This year it is chaired by India.

The Center took part in T20

T20 is the G20 research network, a kind of a bank for ideas and researches that fills various documents and resolutions of the G20. In 2023, T20 involved those reputable research and scientific organizations, whose applications passed a special competitive selection. Working results of experts from various countries were the reviews of analytical reports, which, in particular, contain key recommendations on the considered issues.

The Center, within the agenda of Task Force 2 “Our Common Digital Future: Affordable, Accessible and Inclusive Digital Public Infrastructure”, prepared an analytical report “Developing Metaverses and Implementing Metaverse-Enabling Technologies: Social and Humanitarian Aspects and Global Challenges”.

The material will be published on the Think20 official website at the end of July 2023 for the Think20 summit, which will be held August 1 - 2, 2023 in Mysore (India).

In the report, the authors reflected main challenges associated with the development of metaverses and suggested general recommendations towards policy and regulatory measures for the relevant technologies. Particular attention in the report was paid to the need of conducting case studies on the entire range of issues related to the impact of metaverses on society and humans. The authors have identified the main social and humanitarian issues that may arise when communicative and other human activities are immersed in virtual reality.

Based on existing practice, special abstracts of reports submitted by countries are included in the T20 Communiqué, and can also be selectively used in the preparation of general G20 resolutions.

According to materials on metaverses issues studied by experts and taking into account the experience gained during participation in the international project, the experts of the Center for Global IT-Cooperation are currently preparing an up-to-date study in Russian, which will be presented to the Russian community and relevant national organizations in the second half of 2023.

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