Russian Ministry of Digital Development will coordinate development of production and communication technologies
Russian Ministry of Digital Development will coordinate development of production and communication technologies

Russian Ministry of Digital Development will coordinate development of production and communication technologies

State-owned companies, in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development, have already prepared roadmaps that set directions for supporting two important high-tech areas, said Maxim Parshin, Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.

Russian Ministry of Digital Development will coordinate development of production and communication technologies

Within the framework of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national programme "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia will coordinate the development of the directions "New production technologies" and "New communication Internet technologies". The roadmaps have been already approved by the presidium of the government commission on digital development, the use of information technology to improve the quality of life and conditions for doing business.

The roadmap “New production technologies” is aimed at the development of software solutions for industry: digital design technologies, mathematical modeling, product lifecycle management and smart manufacturing. The map also provides for the creation of testing centres for Russian industrial software," the press office of Ministry of Digital Development said. Responsible for the implementation of the roadmap are the state corporations Rosatom and Rostech. 

The ministry added that the goal of the New Communication Internet Technologies roadmap is to create competitive Russian communication, leisure and gaming services, including recommendation, audio and video services. At the same time, the card assumes support for projects at every stage of the life cycle: from a startup to a mature company. The roadmap was developed by Rostelecom with the participation of ANO Dialog.

What is already done

"State-owned companies, in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia, have done a great job - they have prepared roadmaps setting directions for supporting two important high-tech areas. Funding for the activities of the maps will be carried out within the framework of the federal project Digital Technologies of the national program Digital Economy of the Russian Federation," the Deputy Minister of digital development, communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation Maxim Parshin said.

Ekaterina Solntseva, Director for Digitalization of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, added that state corporations, in close cooperation with the government of the Russian Federation, form systemic conditions for ensuring the country's technological sovereignty. "The roadmap here is a practical tool for the implementation of tasks that are very ambitious: the index of technological independence of Russia in the field of industrial software should increase from 15% in 2021 to 60% in 2024. Our optimism is largely due to Rosatom's approaches to organizing interaction with various industrial companies and players in the digital industry," said Solntseva, quoted by the press office of the Ministry of Digital Industry.

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