As per tradition, the event is dedicated to the World Quality Day, which is celebrated annually on the second Thursday of November. This year’s forum’s theme is “Effective Governance in an Era of Uncertainty.” The forum has brought together heads and owners of organizations; heads and specialists of quality departments, production systems, business development, and food safety; engineers and technologists; experts engaged in the government regulation field; and representatives of state bodies, public and business associations.
Tatiana Kurbatova, representative of the Center, participated in the forum, speaking on “International Practices in Child Online Protection” at the forum’s session on “Child Online Protection” held on November 10, 2022.
“The difficulty stems from the fact that parents and teachers’ digital literacy is often below the level required to ensure children’s safety on the Internet. Therefore, there are calls for adopting preventive measures at the international level, aimed at ensuring minors’ safety in the online environment, as well as calls for online service providers to assume responsibility for developing products appropriate for the child audience and ensuring a safe online environment. Business activities aimed at expanding initiatives in the field of minors’ digital well-being, digital literacy in particular, should be encouraged,” stressed Tatiana Kurbatova in her speech.
Forum participants will also discuss the popularization of the best practices implemented in crisis management, sustainable development of organizations, and business process quality and effectiveness improvement in different industries.