The Center Took Part in the Work of the School of Internet Security

The Center Took Part in the Work of the School of Internet Security

The Center Took Part in the Work of the School of Internet Security

On the second day of the School, on September 28, the Director of the Center Vadim Glushchenko took part in the "The Talent Capacity of Youth in the IT Field: What Are the Professions of the Future and National Priorities?" session. In his speech, he spoke about the birth of the Youth Digital Ombudsperson team on the sidelines of the first Youth Internet Governance Forum (Youth RIGF), which took place in 2021 and was organized by the Center. The UN Global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) also actively engages young people to participate in solving issues related to the development of the global network. Anyone can take part in such a Forum both at the venue of the event and in an online format.

Separately, Vadim Glushchenko noted that youth is a powerful energy and a positive charge. "At the same time, it is a soft power, regardless of the geopolitical situation, the language we speak, cultural and national characteristics. They will always be able to find a common language with guys from other countries, especially from friendly ones," he added.

On September 30, the Chairman of the Board of the Center for Global IT-Cooperation, Roman Chukov, became the moderator of the "dialogue on equal terms" format on the topic of digital professions. In his opening speech, he recalled that Russia is the most connected (to the Internet) country in Europe, and therefore the topic of career prospects in the field of IT in our country is particularly acute.

On the same day, as part of the "Digital Content and Security: How to Ensure a Positive Agenda?" track the expert of the Center for Global-IT Cooperation, Yuri Lindre, spoke. He stressed that today the Internet no longer corresponds to the original idea – the territory of unlimited freedom – but tends to break up into zones and separate segments within countries.

"The Internet is a means to transform economic processes, to make money. And the income from e-commerce, of course, must be distributed in some way. Now they go to the mass, digital platforms or companies that own digital platforms. That is, the states on whose territory and at the expense of whose citizens funds are earned, in fact, do not see this money or see it in a very limited amount. Hence the trend towards fragmentation of the Internet has emerged. First of all, it is connected with state fragmentation, when certain countries try to introduce certain regulation of the Internet in order, first of all, to save money from e-commerce in their national jurisdiction. Of course, global digital platforms don't like this very much, but nevertheless there is such a trend, and package laws are being adopted in different countries that restrict this work and digital life, impose certain regulations," said Lindre.

The expert also stressed that today all major IT giants are consolidating into ecosystems. And a person becomes a regular user of the ecosystem's products, and in the future, the metaverse, which covers the needs of literally everything: communication, work, creativity and in other spheres of life. At the same time, all these digital platforms are controlled by one company with their uniform information agenda, corporate rules, ethical principles, respectively, the impact on the consciousness of such a user becomes comprehensive.

"It turns out that certain value charges, attitudes and principles can be imposed in different forms: to someone in the game, to someone through analytics, to someone through an audiovisual series. And here is the biggest risk, because then this targeted and very sophisticated propaganda becomes comprehensive, from which it is simply impossible to come out. And most importantly, a person will never understand that his opinion and positions on certain issues are not really his/hers, but inspired," he warned.