Social network “VK” proposes to replace obscene language with stickers

Social network “VK” proposes to replace obscene language with stickers

Social network “VK” proposes to replace obscene language with stickers

The set consists of 48 stickers that are designed to help smooth out potential conflict situations, harsh criticism and controversy. There are two free options available - with the character Gus’ and masculine verbs and with the cat Branchiatta and feminine words.

“Quite recently there was the Day of the Russian Language which is a rich and centuries-old one. And our language is indeed full of more elegant expressions and euphemisms than a banal obscene word. At the same time, in the form of playful stickers, we will try to reduce the amount of negativity and rude phrases - to translate all this into fun or constructive. Perhaps, thanks to the help of Gus’ and Branchiatta, people will listen to each other more often. Or just smile,” said the head of the VK Stickers platform Alexey Kapitansky.

The social network also offers other functions to protect against bullying and incitement to hostility. If the post contains insult, threats or hostile statements, the user can send a complaint to the moderation team using the ‘Complain’ button. So, in the first half of 2020, 520 thousand units of content on the topic of inciting hatred and enmity, 140 profiles and 2470 communities were blocked on VK.

This year, a special filter for combating hostile statements, based on a neural network, became available to community administrators. The filter can be turned on and off in the community settings at any time.