Russian high school students to learn computer languages

Russian high school students to learn computer languages

Russian high school students to learn computer languages

High school students in the Russian Federation will be able to get free training in modern computer languages, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko.

He noted that for the third year in a row the target numbers of admission in IT areas have been increasing. Chernyshenko also added that many experienced specialists in other fields want to try themselves in the IT field, to master artificial intelligence technologies. For them, this year, a programme of compensation for half of the training costs was launched, and educational modules will begin in August.

"We will provide high school students with the opportunity to undergo two-year training in modern computer languages ​​for free. I believe that this is an extremely important initiative, since at this age children choose their future profession," Chernyshenko said during a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects. 

He added that digital departments will also be created for university students, where within a year or two young people will be able to acquire a digital specialty. 

Chernyshenko also spoke about the creation of engineering schools that could change the training of engineering personnel.