Registration is open for the First Youth Internet Governance Forum 4

Registration is open for the First Youth Internet Governance Forum 4

Registration is open for the First Youth Internet Governance Forum 4
The event will provide an opportunity to communicate with IT experts, participate in one of the four sections, discuss the Internet future with well-known bloggers, and suggest ideas for youth communique that will be formulated at the end of the Forum.

The program sections:

  • (Non) virtual reality
  • Digital Economy: Utopia or Dystopia?
  • My personal data: whose is it?
  • 2020 is the year of Tiktok: hype or main platform for youth?

In addition, Youth RIGF will host fun zones with educational workshops and IT platforms, where the neural network will write a new poem, and "gadgets" of the "good old days" era will warm the heart with memories of childhood.

Registered at the Forum will be able to participate in master classes and other activities from our partners, and young IT specialists will have a chance to become a laureate of the Youth RIGF prize.

Preliminary program and registration form on the website: