“Digitalization for Good” now open for awards submissions!

“Digitalization for Good” now open for awards submissions!

“Digitalization for Good” now open for awards submissions!

The award aims to find and support young people, including IT specialists, who have made a significant contribution to one of the following fields:

·      Protection of rights and clarification of duties and responsibilities of citizens in the digital space

·      Improving citizens’ digital literacy

·      Promotion of lawful and morally appropriate behavior in the digital space among citizens. 

The winner will be awarded a one-time 100 000 rouble cash prize and a special commemorative statuette; runners-up, valuable prizes.

The contest intends to motivate the youth to engage in professional, social, art, etc., activities aimed at creating a comfortable and safe digital space, as well as to promote IT careers and educational programs in this field among the youth.

Young people aged 18 to 35 can nominate the results of their work (e.g., awareness-raising activities), projects and products (e.g., applications, software, etc.). The contest allows both individual and collective participation, which is free of charge.

You can submit an application by filling in the application form and speaking about yourself, your work, project or product:

Participants’ competition materials will be evaluated by the Expert Commission according to the following criteria: relevance and importance, innovation and novelty, scaling-up and popularization prospects, as well as scope and reach. 

The winners and runners-up will be named at the 3rd Youth Internet Governance Forum (Youth RIGF 2023) at the Digital Business Space on May 12. 

Details are provided in the informative letter and the regulation governing the contest:!

Assert yourself!