Internet of the future and opportunities in the present: Master classes held at Youth RIGF 2023

Internet of the future and opportunities in the present: Master classes held at Youth RIGF 2023

Internet of the future and opportunities in the present: Master classes held at Youth RIGF 2023

Apart from the main sessions on deepfakes, the dark web, creating original online content and the symbiosis between IT volunteering and infosec, forum participants will have an opportunity to attend master classes and get more practical knowledge.

As per the good tradition of the Forum, Youth Digital Ombudsman Dmitry Gulyaev will once again hold his own interactive session. It will focus on information and psychological safety of children and the youth—a high-priority problem at the present time. How to recognize information manipulation? How not to become a manipulator yourself? And ultimately, how to protect yourself from destructive information and psychological influence? Not only will participants get the answers to these burning questions, but they will also analyze case studies and immediately put the gained knowledge into practice.

The Osminozhka Web 3.0 integrator will try to look into the future and imagine what the Internet will look like for all of us in twenty years. The integrator will meet with forum participants to discuss the advantages of Web 3.0, relevant technologies and the fields they are already being applied in. Young specialists will find out which competencies to improve to work with Web 3.0 and in what fields the obtained skills can later come in handy.

Meanwhile, Lomonosov Moscow State University will speak on the use of virtual reality technologies in sports. The university will demonstrate their own developments that can be used for diagnostic purposes and to improve hockey players’ movement and cognitive skills. The key findings of the study showing the differences between hockey players’ movement patterns in the virtual environment, depending on their professional skills, will be presented as well.

It should also be recalled that the Forum marks the birthday of the .ru TLD. To honor this wonderful day, the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ will organize a special quiz on the evolution of Runet; the winners will get memorable prizes. The Coordination Center will also hold a lecture on the technological aspects of the universal acceptance of domain names and email addresses written in symbols of national alphabets. Participants will find out about how .рф, the largest Cyrillic domain in the world, helps to preserve and develop the Russian language—the second most frequently used language on the Internet—online.

Moreover, business personalities will share their life hacks. E-legion will speak on how to jointly build a business with Eastern partners, and analyze business relations using the case study of their own interactions with Chinese counterparts. Kazakhstan-based Astana Hub will show how to launch an effective startup and turn any idea into your favorite activity.

To learn more about the Forum’s program and register, follow the link: