Experts formulated the main principles of the creation of effective content for young people in the modern Runet

Experts formulated the main principles of the creation of effective content for young people in the modern Runet

Experts formulated the main principles of the creation of effective content for young people in the modern Runet

The experts present at the event discussed the main trends in the development of educational and social projects, new social technologies in the Internet, and the place that Runet currently occupies in the system of factors influencing society in modern Russia. Special attention of the speakers was paid to the principles of creation of content intended for young people and the extent to which the existing content meets the needs of the Russian youth.

Opening the event, Denis Zhiltsov, the head of the All-Russian project "Nations are Many - Homeland is One", stated that the main goal of the round table was to openly discuss and develop the actual principles of effective communication with the young audience on the Internet in view of the current situation in Russia, a serious external information pressure on them. 

Kirill Rodin, Director of Work with Public Authorities of VCIOM, shared with the experts the results of the study "Children's Participation in Content Creation - Good or Bad", which showed, in particular, the understanding of the majority of respondents (59%) that the Internet for today's young audience is an effective tool for self-development and improvement of communication skills. However, 40% of those surveyed identified potential dangers for young users, including distraction from learning, emotional disturbance, and low physical activity. 

Sergey Grebennikov - Director of RAEC (Russian Association of Electronic Communications), a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation said: "In order for young people to actively participate in projects of this format, it is fundamental for them to understand the final point - understandable and shared by them. Equally important is the expansion of outreach and involvement to young people, even those who are seemingly uninterested in these projects. That's just what you and I should be doing." 

Andrey Vorobyev, director of the Non-Commercial Organization "Coordination Center of the National Domain of the Internet", told about the transformation of Runet as a communication platform, noting that 90% of young people communicate via the Internet, including messengers and social networks. And when building the project's communications, this factor is critical to consider. 

"We try not to repeat ourselves every year, we choose the topics that are most interesting for young people," said Vadim Gluschenko, Director of the Center for Global IT Cooperation, about the Youth Internet Governance Forum (Youth RIGF). Great ideas come from the youth at the forum, he added. For example, in 2021, thanks to Youth RIGF, the Youth Digital Ombudsman was created to help teenagers and young people solve problems related to the Internet. This is how the Digital Help project was created, where anyone can get advice from the YDO on problems related to cyberbullying or any violation of their rights on the Internet.

Valeria Kashirova, the brand manager of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, agreed with Sergey Grebennikov's thesis: "We really need youth communities, opinion leaders are very important, and it is vital to engage the category of young people who are completely apolitical today - and unfortunately they are the majority today. There are 39 million young people in Russia and just over 2 million users of Rosmolodezh social networks. This has enormous potential, and we at Rosmolodezh are actively working in this context, developing ecosystems and communities and a number of partners. There is a need for the active integration into entertainment content of ideas and values that are important for the sustainable development of the country."  

"The traditional division of young people according to age, gender and education does not work in the modern world," says Alexander Trushin, marketing director of the Black Star Center: "In order to create popular projects and products, it is very important to first establish the strategy of meanings - clear and simple at the level of perception - both rational and emotional - at the level of ideas. The project "Russian Readings of the Victory" - the coverage of this event is more than 300 million people - is a successful and vivid example.

At the end of the round table, the experts agreed that today it is impossible to create effective educational and patriotic content without taking into account the opinion of the young audience and without their direct involvement in the process at the earliest stages of development. Today's audience rejects moralizing mentorship and values honesty and sincerity. 

Among the basic principles it is necessarily important to take into account the factor "here and now" - the created project should be short-term in terms of consumption period, carry a clear and simple positive emotion and understandable, shared by this audience values.