"Digital Ball" starts online on June 23

"Digital Ball" starts online on June 23

"Digital Ball" starts online on June 23

The Digital Ball is a platform designed to unite representatives of government authorities, business, the expert community and proactive youth in order to develop digital literacy and introduce new technologies, and support promising young professionals and their projects. The Digital Ball is the winner of the National competition of youth projects of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) and is supported by the Association for the Development of Financial Literacy and NUST MISiS. This year, due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the main events will be transferred to the online format.

The business programme of the Digital Ball provides discussions of the leaders of the digital economy and the work of interactive sections, including a plenary discussion on education, sessions on art, medicine, investment, urbanism, etc. Participants will talk about the development of art in the era of technology, educational trajectories of young professionals and competencies of the future, citizen involvement in urban planning during the pandemic, investment platforms and their role in the Russian economy, and many other issues.

The Center for Global IT Cooperation (Center) will also take part in the Digital Ball. In the plenary discussion "What kind of education does the digital economy require today?" Dmitry Gulyaev, a member of the Center team and the Youth Digital Ombudsperson, will speak on the current topics of the section and tell about his activities in the youth environment. As part of the event, the "Career Breakthrough" section will feature the representative of Russia in the Multilateral Advisory Group of the UN Internet Governance Forum Roman Chukov, who will share his experience and opinion on what needs to be studied today in order to become a skilled specialist tomorrow, along with the opportunities for young professionals in the global IT community. An expert in the field of artificial intelligence Anna Abramova will take part as a jury in the "Al-business slam".  She will evaluate the participants' projects in the LegalTech field.

As part of the cultural program, performances of debutants of the Digital Ball, the world-famous show ballet TODES and promising young musicians are expected. The online exhibition of innovations will feature digital products of companies, robotics. Participants of the "Digital Ball" will be able to communicate with speakers through the tools of the VR world and a special application.

The continuation of the Festival will be the “Produсton” championship – a 9-day online case-championship for solving the problems of the development of the Far East and the Arctic. This is an opportunity to upgrade as a product manager, analyst or developer. Participants will be able to solve one of 6 practical cases, including an international case with a team from Taiwan, and win a cash prize, a smart speaker and an Epic Growth subscription. The best teams will be able to implement their solutions. You can register for participation at the link:

As the president of the Digital Ball and the Youth Financial League (MFC) Kristina Zabolotskaya notes, the near future will stand behind combined modes of work and training, unmanned processes and AI - therefore, the demand for various digital professions and projects for leaders in the digital environment will grow. The project has already established itself as a unique platform for creating collaborations between universities and companies, for communication of like-minded people interested in the digital development of Russia and the world. The first stage of the "Digital Ball" was held on November 7 last year in an online format on the basis of the Start Hub of the Moscow Innovation Agency, where the results of the research and the youth award were also summed up.

The organizing committee of the Digital Ball includes the youth professional community and leading universities of Russia - MISiS, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,  Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, National Research University HSE, North Caucasian Federal University, RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the government of the Russian Federation, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering and others.

To participate in the event, you must register using the link: