Dupan Anna
Dupan Anna
Dupan Anna
Higher School of Economics, Director of the Institute for Legal Regulation Problems
Russian Federation
Russian, English

In 2001 she graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 2004 she became the juris doctor.

In 2006-2015 - MBA teacher at the Banking Institute, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

In 2014-2015 Anna provided legal support for the implementation of the project of the unified transport card Strelka on the territory of the Moscow Region.

In 2017-2018 she participated in the development of the programme "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" and the national project of the same name.

Since 2017, she has been an expert at the World Bank on the regulation of e-commerce, personal data, and artificial intelligence.

Topics of speeches
  • A new paradigm for the protection and governance of personal data in the Russian Federation and foreign countries in the context of the development of data processing systems on the Internet / Ed. A.S. Dupan (Moscow: Publishing House of the Higher School of Economics, 2018.341 p.)
  • Information law tools application to prevent violations of human rights as a result of research of its genome: international experience (Dupan A.S., Bikbulatova Yu.S.) ("Russian Justice", 2019, N 9)
  • Blinkin M. Ya., Dupan A. S., Ivanov A. Yu., Karlyuk M. V., Knyaginina N. V., Kotova D. A., Kuzyk M. G., Meshkova T. A., Molodyko K Yu. Yu., Radomirova Ya. Ya., Ryzhkov A. Yu., Sabelnikova Ye. V., Simachev Yu. V., Sokolov AV, Chulok AA, Yankevich SV Development of regulation: new challenges in the face of radical technological changes: reports. to XX Apr. int. scientific. conf. on the problems of economic and social development, Moscow, April 9–12. 2019 // XX April international scientific conference on the problems of economic and social development. 9-12. April 2019.M .: HSE Publishing House, 2019.S. 1-88.
  • Abuzyarova I., Balandina G.V., Dupan A.S., Knutov A.V., Polesskiy E., Reznikov A., Semenov S.V., Trifonov V., Chaplinsky A.V., Shabala Y. Kontrolno - Supervision and licensing activities in the Russian Federation: analytical report - 2017 / Leader: S. M. Plaksin. Ed. House of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, 2018.
  • Dupan A.S., Zharova A.K., Zhulin A.B., Elin V.M., Bikbulatova Yu.S., Bikbulatov T.I. development of data processing systems on the Internet / Under total. ed .: A.S. Dupan. M.: Publishing House of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2016.
  • Domrachev A. A., Dupan A. S., Evtushenko S. N., Isakov V. B., Kiryushkin S. A., Sazonov A. V., Furgel I. A. Electronic interaction: legally significant aspects. SPb. : Gazinformservice, 2016.
  • Dupan A.S., Nasybulina E.G., Pikalova A.G. Instruments of scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and the EU // Bulletin of international organizations: education, science, new economy. 2014. T. 9.No. 1. S. 107-123.
  • Alekseevskaya E. I., Dupan A. S. Basic principles of supervision over the application of legal norms by executive and judicial authorities: myth or reality? // Law and life. 2013. No. 178 (4). S. 199-209.
  • Zharova A.K., Dupan A.S., Maltseva S.V., Elin V.M. Legislative support of the principle of technological neutrality in information systems // Business Informatics. 2012. No. 4. S. 25-32.